Monday, 11 June 2012

The other side looks green too

Having spent a lot of time thinking about the benefits of being a girl.. (and trying to prove my point to some members of the opposite sex who still remain unconvinced) I set out to do some reverse thinking..

And turns out.. The other side looks pretty green too.. :P
So here's a compilation of the list of reasons why a girl would want to be a guy !!!

* You're not subjected to a full body scan the moment you step out of the house 
* You can wear/not wear anything without having to worry about "log kya kahenge" ;)
* The world's your toilet :P
* You can make comments like "Iski maa ki" in a theatre without creating "hawwww" effect ;)
* Your punches have the strength of actually hurting other people !!! ;)
* You have relaxed and flexible curfew tymings...
* On your B'day nite.. being out till 3 isn't perceived as a big deal !!!
* You can watch sports without being asked "whose the guy who has sparked this sudden 
    interest in football/cricket.. :P
* You can afford getting drunk coz u don't have to worry about who'll drop you home..
* You have probably never heard/not care about PMS
* Boy's night out isn't centered around gossiping and bitching.. ;)
* You never have to be engaged in cat fights/ cold wars.. do gaaliya dekar you can go back to 
    being "bhai" for each other..
* Holding grudges isn't all that common.. (generally)
* You don't have to be scared of bikes.. or rather being spotted on one with a member of the 
    opposite sex.. :P
* You don't have to give second thoughts before indulging yourself in food and eat 
    without having to appraise the calories ( this one ain't applicable on me ) :P
* Your name is yours forever !!! :P
* You don't have to leave your parents behind and start anew wid a completely different set 
    of people !!! :(
* You don't have to worry about what to wear.. nor do you have frequent laments regarding 
    "I have nothing to wear" cz nobody really cares..
* Rains are a bliss for your hair.. somehow it magically transforms into better rather than 
   turning frizzy as in case of girls !!!
* You are not subjected to the pressure of learning to cook the basic food even..
*  People look into your "eyes" while talking to u  .. :P
* You dont have "oestrogen" :P :P


  1. Ahan vini u'v actually clubbed in justified facts ;) I guess nxt blog must b a comparison between both : p

    1. Hehe.. Thanks shibz..
      Bt i guess i have deconstrued d entire topic well enough..
      Comparision aint required.. ;)
